Solving sexual problems in marriage. Why is it important?
sexual problems in marriage Realization of personality, material aspect.
The influence of sexual harmony on human life is enormous. There are a huge number of manifestations of sexual disharmony, often manifested in many areas of life – work, family, circle of friends and acquaintances … Sexual disorders can lead to neurotic disorders. Success today is success in personal relationships. And growth in the harmony of intimate relationships is also personal growth.
Useful sex
Neuroticization of women (reproaches, tears, decreased libido) occurs both in young sexually mature temperamental women who do not receive sexual satisfaction and face sexual problems in marriage, and in women in menopause and menopause. In men, sexual problems in marriage dramatically reduce self-esteem, and often, especially at a young age, can even lead to suicidal attempts. Irritability increases, depressive elements may appear. All this leads to family disharmony . The root cause of failure in life may not even be fully realized.
Often, sexual disorders and disharmony arise against the background of insufficient awareness of people about the normal manifestations of sexuality. Young people make mistakes when choosing a partner, and some pay for it all their lives. Of course, the quality of life in general suffers. A large number of sexual problems in marriage and family disharmony can be prevented, provided information is prepared in this delicate area. The knowledge gleaned from the media, where the authors of the articles are not professionals, sometimes bears great harm to self-esteem and the realization of sexuality.
Against this background, the full development of a harmonious personality is impossible. Often the social and business sphere suffers. The motivation of the individual to achieve vital goals is reduced. Thus, healthy sexuality contributes to a more complete realization of the individual in both personal, social and business aspects. And it is a necessary component for a harmoniously developing personality.
To your health sexual problems in marriage, sexual problems in relationship
For lovers of abstinence came bad news. If not having sex is good, it is only from a spiritual point of view. At the same time, abstinence does not bring any benefit to the body.
The best thing modern science can say about sexual abstinence is that it is harmless in moderation. Conversely, having regular, healthy has many benefits for both men and women (assuming, of course, that you don’t catch any sexual problems in relationship transmitted infections).
Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast conducted a study in which they traced the dependence of general health on the regularity of sexual problems in relationship. At the same time, scientists analyzed data on mortality among approximately 1,000 middle-aged men over a ten-year period. The task of the study is to compare people of the same financial situation, age and health status, but having sexual problems in marriage of different intensity. The results were published in 1997 in the British Medical Journal. It turned out that among the men who had the most orgasms, the death rates were half as high as those who did not have sex at all.
Having sex even a couple like sexual problems in marriage and sexual problems in relationship of times a week has a positive effect on health:
– Improved sense of smell. After sex, the production of the hormone prolactin increases. This, in turn, causes stem cells in the brain to form new neurons in the center of smell.
– Reduced risk of heart disease. Following the aforementioned Queen’s University study, in 2001 scientists focused their attention on the cardiovascular system. They found that men who have sex three times a week or more often cut their risk of heart attack and stroke by half.
– Weight loss, general condition improves. Sex is also exercise. One passionate intercourse burns 200 calories – about the same as 15 minutes of running on a treadmill or a game of squash. In a sexually aroused person, the pulse rate increases from 70 to 150 beats per minute, as does an athlete who exerts maximum effort. In addition, muscle contractions during intercourse work out the pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms, and chest. Having sex also increases testosterone production, which leads to stronger bones and muscles. Men’s Health magazine even called the bed “the best exercise equipment ever invented.”
– Reduces depression. This is the result of a study conducted in 2002 among 293 women. American psychologist Gordon Gallup found that sexually active women whose partners did not use condoms during sexual intercourse were less prone to depression than those women whose partners used a condom. One possible explanation for this dependence is that prostaglandin, a hormone found in semen, is absorbed into the female reproductive tract, thereby regulating the production of female hormones.
sexual problems in relationship helps to– Pain relief. Just before orgasm, the level of the hormone oxytocin rises to five times its normal level. This, in turn, leads to the production of endorphins, which have an analgesic effect on any type of pain, from headaches to arthritis and even migraines. In sexual problems in marriage in women, sex also leads to the production of estrogen, which can suppress pain associated with premenstrual periods.
– Reduces the likelihood of flu and colds . A study at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that people who have sex once or twice a week have 30% higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A than those who have sex less frequently. These antibodies are known for boosting the immune system.
– Improves the condition of the bladder. Have you heard about Dr. Kegel’s exercises for the muscles of the genital organs? We do them without even realizing it every time we stop urinating. So, the same muscles work during intercourse.
– Improves the condition of the teeth . Sperm plasma contains zinc, calcium, and other minerals that have been shown to slow tooth decay. While caring for children, we will not specify how these minerals achieve their purpose. Let’s just say that this method, perhaps, is more effective, and most importantly – more enjoyable than the traditional squeezing of toothpaste. By the way, scientists have found that hygiene rules require brushing your teeth before or after sexual intercourse, which in itself already contributes to maintaining healthy teeth.
– Healthy prostate . Some urologists believe that there is a relationship between the frequency of ejaculation and the development of prostate cancer. The arguments are as follows: to produce seminal fluid, the prostate gland and seminal vesicles take substances such as zinc, citric acid, potassium from the blood, and then increase their concentration up to 600 times. Carcinogens, also present in the blood, are also concentrated. Instead of keeping these concentrated carcinogens in the body, it is better to get rid of them. This can be done through good old sex.
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sexual problems in marriage in women are literally life-changing. No orgasm ? I do not advise you to put up with it, you need to fight for love. A loving man always feels insincerity, even if you never refuse him. You run the risk that he will less and less want to return home, and then he will end up in the arms of a passionate woman. The best way out of the situation is to become the most passionate, pounce on him, and not agree to obediently lie down on the marital bed. In addition, orgasm is good for women’s health, and anorgasmia leads to early aging and illness, both physical and mental.
Do not despair. A professional sex therapist can always help you . And it is very important in this case to turn to him in time, without waiting for old age.
Sexological statistics in this regard looks very sad: 26 – 28% of our girlfriends have never experienced discharge in closeness with a man, another 15% experience it irregularly. At the same time, the vast majority achieve orgasm through masturbation, and some even in several ways. In most civilized countries, the proportion of non-orgasmic women does not exceed 10-12%.
Interestingly, the lack of detente is an exclusively female problem, among men only one in a thousand suffers from it.
In the last 25 years, psychotherapists and sexologists of all countries have noted a sharp increase in women’s interest in this aspect of intimate life, their frequent visits to specialists in this regard, perseverance and perseverance in treatment for sexual problems in marriage. We have called this phenomenon “pursuit of release,” “orgasm obsession,” and even “orgasmic madness.” By the way, the vast majority of women, before coming to the office of a specialist, try to “treat” the “folk way”, i.e. by changing a partner or, if we are talking about married people, by acquiring a lover. “The problem is not in me, but in the partner!” – they say to themselves, and most often they turn out to be wrong: for example, the Czech sexologist M. Pilka, having studied a thousand women who entered into an extramarital relationship in order to experience an orgasm, found that only about 30 of them (3%!) Reached their goal, but the third part had troubles with her husband. Approximately the same results were obtained by the English specialist A. Fielding, who for several years studied young (25-30 years old) English women suffering from a lack of orgasm; however, they had much less trouble with their husbands – probably, the English women conspired better. Both Fielding and Pilka convincingly argued that in general non-orgasmic wives are more likely to cheat on their husbands , they have 4-5 times more short – single or double – sexual relationships than those who have everything in order with discharge.
As for the influence of orgasm on the mental and physical health of the fair sex, it is essential, first of all, for the first. Recent studies have shown that orgasmic women are much more calm, friendly, contact . Serious psychological tests reveal significantly lower levels of anxiety and tension in them. M. Leroy calculated that 30-year-old orgasmic Parisians smile and laugh 2.5 times more often than those who do not achieve relaxation; the former sleep better, use tranquilizers and sleeping pills less often, and even have more vocabulary than the latter. S. Ferry studied two large groups of final-year students at the largest American university and found that those who reach the “peak of intimacy” study much better than those who do not.
Numerous studies show that non-orgasmics are significantly less likely to get married – among those 26% for whom Mendelssohn’s waltz never sounded, more than half of them are. And men get divorced from non-orgasms much more often than those who reach discharge, and it is more difficult for them to remarry. (Of course, none of the husbands admit in court or the registry office that the true reason for the divorce is the wife’s lack of orgasm, but an in-depth study of “divorced” by serious methods shows that this is the reason that underlies every third divorce!)
Interestingly, during long-term contacts, even without any intimate connection (for example, in official relations), men unconsciously quite accurately determine which of our acquaintances has an orgasm and which does not. A few years ago, the studies of the sexologist T. Harris turned out to be sensational: he found that one hundred employees of the most reputable English insurance company indicated almost unmistakably how things were with their colleagues – women sitting in the same room with them. And the attitude towards these morgasmic colleagues, as measured by the corresponding tests, turned out to be generally three times better than towards those who did not achieve relaxation – although there were no novels between the employees.
In general, sexologists are amazed by the results of modern research showing how negatively men treat non-orgasmic representatives of the weaker sex: we marry them much less often, divorce them more often, treat them worse in the service, and discriminate during professional advancement. As the same Harris showed with the help of video monitor observations and their computer analysis, English physicians – therapists and cardiologists, having learned about the lack of relaxation in their patients (therapists, especially cardiologists, always ask their patients about their intimate life), devote less time and attention than “full” women. Similar discrimination on the part of doctors of other specialties was noted in the studies of American and French scientists. Of course, this is done completely unconsciously. no doctor is aware of his dismissive attitude towards such women, but this fact is completely undeniable. In fairness, I’ll add that insufficient attention on the part of doctors by researchers was noted not only in relation to non-orgasmic women, but also to those who do not live a sexual life at all or rarely do it.
In the male subculture, qualities such as emotional coldness, inability to love, prudence, cunning, and even deceit are attributed to non-orgasmic women
A Fielding conducted such an interesting experiment: one hundred and forty-year-old men were asked to evaluate the appearance and character of fifty young women on a ten-point scale, and “secretly” the men were told that the first half of the women reached discharge, and the second did not. As a result, the second half received three times less points than the first. “A modern man is obsessed with his partner’s orgasmic discharge no less than she herself,” writes A. Fielding.
In the first group, less than 20% of women divorced in 10 years, in the second – about 50% (40% of families break up in the USA). Of those who were not married at the time of contacting the clinic, in the first group more than 70% created a family, in the second – only 30. The truth was confirmed once again: men do not like non-orgasmic women.
But the specialists were especially struck by the data on the intimate life of the studied. For 10 years, married women of the first group had 2-3 extramarital relationships, unmarried women had 3-4 partners. But the studied from the second group – who did not reach the peak of intimacy – changed partners two and a half times more often, and they often had short-term relationships with unfamiliar men for sexual problems in marriage. Many women of the second group explained their behavior to psychologists by the fact that “suddenly they were seized by a strong feeling that with this man they could achieve sexual satisfaction, relaxation”. all of the reson is sexual problems in marriag. sexual problems in marriage
Most of the women of the first group improved both their professional and social status, and raised their educational level The successes of the women of the second group turned out to be many times more modest. In fact, there is a myth that women who do not receive satisfaction with sexual problems in marriage study and work more and better, as if they are more successful in their professional activities. But the study of R. Levant, like some others, showed that this myth has nothing to do with reality: as a rule, internal anxiety and tension prevent such women from realizing their abilities. Sexy and orgasmic women are much more successful in life than non-sexual and non-orgasmic ones he solve sexual problems in marriage
Today, thanks to the advances in psychotherapy and sexology , virtually every member of the fair sex can—and should—reach the pinnacle of intimacy. And those 30 percent of Russian women who have not yet reached it need to take care of this urgently!