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Great Sex After 50 Second HONEY moon

 Great Sex After 50

Sexual life after 50


Senior couple smiling, face to face, close-up

People over 50 make up about a third of my patients. The level of sex hormones at this age decreases, and not everyone reacts calmly to this. On the other hand, we can talk about the “golden autumn” of sexual life, when a couple can feel and understand each other more subtly.

Men aged 50+ are often not entirely confident in their abilities, and some women even try to joke about this topic, which, of course, can nullify all love ardor. Others, on the contrary, go towards the man, take the initiative, and he is very grateful for this, responding with increased attention and tenderness. I think this is true love.

For men, it is especially important at this time to monitor the general condition of the body. As a doctor, I am convinced that a lot depends on the patient’s lifestyle, so I usually start the appointment with a discussion of this particular issue. Moderate and regular physical activity, control of cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure – all these good old truths should not be forgotten. It is important to completely abandon bad habits. Especially dangerous are nicotine, which constricts blood vessels, and beer.

Not all men are aware of the existence of such a well-known phenomenon in sexology as the “widower’s syndrome”. From the name it is clear that the first time after the loss of a wife is not up to the search for sexual partners. But nature dictates its own rules. If the absence of an active sex life stretches for months and years, after 50 there is a risk of not returning to it at all. The prostate begins to work as an endocrine gland, with time the level of testosterone decreases, and then the skills are lost, as well as the desire to implement these skills. Many men try to find a solution to their problems in the offices of urologists, not knowing about the profession of a sexologist, who considers the human body in a complex from different points of view: neurology, endocrinology, urology, psychology …

It is important to take into account the principle of pairing in sexual relations, so only complex therapy is needed. The so-called men’s program, which I recommend that all men of mature age go through once every three years, includes physiotherapy, a complex of special gymnastics, and the selection of drugs.

For women over 50, it is important to remember that declining estrogen levels can cause minor inconveniences, which, however, are easily overcome. In good pharmacies, so-called lubricants are sold next to condoms, which help reduce dryness, improve microflora, and can be considered a kind of care product for the delicate part of the female body. By the way, in women with age, testosterone levels do not decrease as much as in men, so sexual desire is maintained. Some women are embarrassed by this, and in vain, because it is the revealed sexuality that can serve as a certain aphrodisiac for a man.

I believe that couples of mature age can and should live their “golden autumn” happily. Conducted studies of the brain of men and women in long-term relationships over 20 years have shown that it can produce no less hormones of happiness than during romantic love.

At the same time, it is necessary to fill your life with new impressions. For some, this is travel, for others, walking through the forest, and someone likes to go to a concert or in a cafe. It is important to remember that a regular sex life prolongs life in the literal sense of the word, while making it better. Improves immunity, hormonal background, which serves as a prevention of osteoporosis and other diseases, improves mood. In addition, it is the most pleasant and useful way to prolong life.

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