A0kare kit Set of mifepristone tablets and misoprostol tablets
Mifegest kit Each package contains:
Mifepristone (mifepristone) tablet 200 mg – 1 pc.
Misoprostol (misoprostol) tablets 200 mcg – 4 pcs.
Mifepristone Tablet 200 Mg price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analogues Sometimes circumstances or medical indications force a woman to take such a step as terminating a pregnancy. Mifepristone tablets: price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analoguesActive ingredient: mifepristone
Many today opt for medical abortion. Especially often for this purpose, a drug such as “Mifepristone” is used.
Benefits of medical abortion
Any surgical intervention is associated with certain risks. During a surgical abortion, there is a risk of mechanical injury, and the risk of infection increases due to the expansion of the cervical canal.
During vacuum regulation, which is considered one of the safest ways to terminate a pregnancy, there is a risk of incomplete release of the fetal egg, and menstrual irregularities are more serious.
Medical abortion is a more gentle procedure not only for the woman’s body, but also for her psyche. After all, its implementation does not require a mechanical effect on the reproductive organs, even a short stay in a hospital or a sick leave. As statistics show, women around the world are increasingly choosing to terminate their pregnancy with the help of drugs.
“Mifepristone” is a drug that is chosen all over the world ↑
This medicine was created in France in the late 70s of the last century. And already in the 80s, he received a license and began to be used by doctors from different clinics in the world in combination with drugs for abortion in the early stages.
Today, Mifepristone tablets are widely used not only for early medical abortions. They are effective for terminating a pregnancy in the second trimester. Quite often, “Mifepristone” is used for missed pregnancy and to stimulate childbirth.
It is allowed to take “Mifepristone” in late pregnancy (from 13 to 22 weeks). It is also used for artificial childbirth after 22 weeks. The drug is recommended by WHO as a safe method of medical abortion.
In addition, the use of Mifepristone tablets during the conservative treatment of small uterine fibroids is quite effective.
The joints have become like in youth: for this every evening …
2 hours ago
I would like to note the huge popularity of the drug in USA.
“Mifepristone” and “Misoprostol”
Mifepristone tablets: price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analogues
The combination of “Mifepristone” with other drugs
Mifepristone is an antiprogestogen that blocks the action of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. Under its action, the uterine mucosa loses its ability to hold the embryo, the cervix softens, and the uterus itself becomes more sensitive to prostaglandins – substances that cause it to contract. Therefore, the drug is most often used together with Misoprostol (prostaglandin).
The combination of these medicines helps to achieve a guaranteed result. As statistics show, in the first months of pregnancy, in 95% of cases, drugs are used successfully.
Some women experience expulsion of the ovum even before the use of misoprostol. For most – within a day after taking it. In a small proportion of patients, the process is delayed up to two weeks.
Many are interested in how much Mifepristone costs and where you can buy it. The price in the pharmacy for Mifepristone and Misoprostol is quite affordable, they are sold without a prescription and are freely available in many pharmacies.
Although the drug contains the same active ingredient, reviews about it are very contradictory. Therefore, before replacing one drug with another, analyze the opinions of those who have already experienced their effect.
In pharmacies, you can find a drug with the name “Mifepristone” from a Chinese manufacturer. It contains two active ingredients: mifepristone and misoprostol.
According to reviews, the effect of the drug is quite aggressive, and often after its use there are consequences such as bleeding and inflammation.
Therefore, when buying an abortive agent, carefully read the annotation, where its composition is indicated.
How is medical abortion performed?
Mifepristone tablets: price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analogues
Recommendations for Medical Abortion
Often women are interested in how to take abortion drugs. Although detailed instructions for use and ease of use encourage a woman to drink Mifepristone at home, it is still best to always perform medical abortion under the supervision of a doctor.
Women who go Zor self-abortion do not know what the body’s reaction to the drug will be.
To begin with, the doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations. It is important to exclude ectopic pregnancy, some internal pathologies. Since it is undesirable to delay the terms, in many clinics such examinations can be completed within one day.
If there are no contraindications, a woman can drink the first dose of Mifepristone directly in the clinic (no preparation for medical abortion is needed). After that, it is recommended to be under the supervision of a doctor for about 2 hours, so that he can make sure that there are no side effects of the drug. Then you can go home.
The next visit to the doctor usually occurs 2 days after taking the drug. During this period, bleeding may appear.
The answer to the question, after how much Mifepristone begins to act, is strictly individual.
For some, the abortive properties of the drug appear quite quickly, after a couple of hours, while others, when they visit the doctor again, say that nothing happens, the drug did not work.
If there is no discharge after Mifepristone, prostaglandins should be used. This happens about 40% of the time. After taking them, a miscarriage usually occurs in 95% of women.
At this time, it is important that the gynecologist monitor the patient’s condition. In some patients, everything proceeds in the same way as normal menstruation, only with the presence of clots.
Someone has more bleeding, and the doctor can take timely measures if necessary.
There may be side effects such as severe vomiting, dizziness. Then it is necessary to adjust the dosage of the drug. Then, after 10-14 days, the doctor prescribes a control ultrasound to see if the fetal egg is completely expelled or if surgery is necessary.
In the later stages, the principle of using medical abortion is the same, but it must be carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. In most cases, everything passes without negative consequences.
“Mifepristone” and alcohol
Mifepristone tablets: price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analogues
The combination of “Mifepristone” and alcohol
During the period of use of Mifepristone tablets, alcohol intake and smoking are strictly contraindicated. Alcohol can affect the processes occurring in the body in the most unexpected way.
Its interaction with an abortive drug can lead to unpredictable complications. And the ability to dilate blood vessels – to bleeding.
After the procedure, it is advisable to refrain from strong drinks and nicotine for another two weeks. Although a medical abortion has a gentle effect on a woman’s body, hormonal changes occur after it, and ethyl alcohol can adversely affect its course.
Mifepristone to induce labor
Tablets “Mifepristone” at the 40th week of pregnancy are prescribed to stimulate delivery. This happens if the pregnancy is full-term. In this case, Mifepristone is used to soften the cervix and naturally expel the fetus. Sometimes Ginipral is used for this, and then an antiprogestogen.
Mifepristone is also prescribed at 41 weeks, when the woman is overweight and the cervix is immature. In this case, the stimulation of labor is much safer for the health of the mother and child than waiting for the natural onset of labor.
Reviews about “Mifepristone” as a drug for inducing labor are extremely positive. He and his analogues are usually well tolerated by patients. Quite rarely, side effects or complications are observed.
Contraindications for the use of the drug
The instructions for Mifepristone indicate that the drug should not be prescribed for:
hypersensitivity to the active substance;
liver or kidney failure;
scars on the walls of the uterus;
It is not recommended for use by women over 35 who smoke.
If during lactation there is a need for medical abortion, you will have to stop breastfeeding for 14 days after taking the drug. Milk can then be expressed. Thus, it will be possible to maintain lactation and terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
Useful information↑
Mifepristone tablets: price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analogues
Popular questions and answers
At the forum, many women are afraid that there are many contraindications in the description of the drug. Long-term experience with the use of “Mifepristone” proves its good tolerability and effectiveness.
It is important to use it according to the instructions. If you are taking any medications, you should tell your doctor about it.
The drug has poor compatibility with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including Aspirin. They reduce its abortive properties.
You can meet the following question: “In the evening, Mifepristone was taken, by the morning there was a little blood, but after a few hours everything stopped. Is it possible to expect that the fetal egg came out? To get an answer to this question, you need to do an ultrasound. Medical abortion can take place in different ways. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman.
I would also like to raise the following question. If a woman changes her mind after taking an abortion drug and wishes to continue the pregnancy, is this possible? In such cases, the use of progesterone preparations is necessary. But only your doctor can determine the required dosage. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately contact him for help.
I would like to wish women to pay more attention to protection from unwanted pregnancies. The pharmacological market is rich in contraceptives. If unprotected intercourse has occurred, you can take a Postinor tablet. Your health is a priceless gift that deserves careful treatment.
Mifepristone: instructions for use, analogues, reviews, cost
Mifepristone is a drug from the group of antiprogestogens that affects the increase in activity and contractile tone of the myometrium.
Release form, composition
The composition of the drug includes the active substance mefiprestone, the quantitative content of which is 50 mg. The medicine is available in the form of tablets for oral administration: 10 pcs. packaged.
pharmachologic effect
Mifepristone is a synthetic steroidal antiprogestogen that works by blocking the action of progesterone. Under the influence of the drug, an increase in the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium is observed. After taking the pill, the active substance of the drug helps to block the effect of progesterone. The drug does not contribute to the provision of gestagenic activity.
Mifepristone tablets: price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analogues
Under the action of the drug, inhibition of the growth of tumor formations is observed, as well as a decrease in the size of the myomatous node and uterus.
In order to understand how mifepristone works, it should be taken into account that an increase in the contractility of the myometrium occurs due to an increase in sensitivity to the prostaglandins produced. As a result, the active substance provokes the excretion of the fetal egg.
The drug Mifepristone is used in accordance with the following indications for admission:
for the treatment of uterine leiomyoma, the size of which does not exceed 12 weeks of pregnancy;
in order to terminate a uterine pregnancy, the period of which does not exceed 9 weeks (in the absence of menstrual bleeding up to 69 days) – in combination with drugs from the group of synthetic analogues of prostaglandins;
in order to expand the walls of the uterus by a conservative method during the surgical termination of pregnancy, the period of which does not reach 12 weeks;
in order to potentiate the effect of prostaglandins during termination of pregnancy, the terms of which range from 13 to 22 weeks. In this case, the drug is used, taking into account medical indications;
in order to activate labor activity in case of fetal death in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
Mifepristone is strictly contraindicated for self-medication. The drug can only be used as directed by a doctor.
Among the general contraindications to the use of the drug Mifepristone, there are:
Mifepristone tablets: price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analogues
prolonged therapy with drugs from the group of synthetic glucocortisteroids;
development of adrenal insufficiency;
development of an acute or chronic form of renal or hepatic insufficiency;
uterine myoma;
severe course of anemia;
detection of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system in women;
violation of hemostasis (preservation of the liquid state of the blood), as well as the preliminary use of drugs from the group of anticoagulants;
severe forms of extragenital pathologies;
intolerance to the active or auxiliary components of the drug;
prolonged, continuous smoking of a patient whose age exceeds 35 years;
detection of ovarian tumors and / or endometrial hyperplasia;
detection of submucosal location of myoma nodes.
Medical termination of pregnancy using the drug Mifepristone is contraindicated in the following cases:
if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy;
lack of results of clinical tests confirming the presence of pregnancy;
pregnancy that occurs against the background of the use of contraceptives in the form of intrauterine devices or against the background of the abolition of the use of hormonal contraceptives.
The drug is not used to induce labor with:
delayed or premature pregnancy;
abnormal position of the fetus;
discrepancy between the size of the head and pelvis of a pregnant woman;
severe form of preeclampsia;
secretions of blood of unknown origin from the genital area.
An absolute contraindication to the use of Mifepristone is the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Mifepristone tablets: price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analogues
The use of tablets requires special care in detecting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, and the development of heart failure.
Mode of application
Mifepristone tablets can only be used in a specialized medical facility on the advice and under the supervision of a qualified, experienced physician. The patient is monitored for several hours after using the drug. After 1.5-2 days, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination.
A control ultrasound examination is also prescribed additionally 2 weeks after the application of the agent.
Side effects
The use of the drug Mifepristone can cause the development of the following undesirable side reactions:
feelings of discomfort in the lower abdomen;
complaints of general weakness;
headache, dizziness;
nausea, vomiting;
subinvolution of the uterus.
The use of pills for the purpose of medical termination of pregnancy can cause the development of:
bloody discharge from the genital area;
pain in the lower abdomen;
exacerbations of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages.
Carrying out combined treatment with the use of other hormonal drugs (misoprostol) can cause the development of vaginitis, insomnia, dyspepsia, anemia, increased anxiety, asthenic and fainting conditions.
drug interaction
If it is necessary to use Mifepristone with drugs from the group of corticosteroids, it may be necessary to increase their dosage.
It is recommended to refrain from combining mifepristone with drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Additional Recommendations
The patient should be informed that if, against the background of the use of the drug for the purpose of terminating a pregnancy, there is no effect for 1-2 weeks, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Mifepristone tablets: price, instructions for use, reviews of women who interrupted, analogues
Mifepristone is used in stationary conditions. Sudden, breakthrough bleeding is an indication for surgery.
Before using the drug, women with a history of infective endocarditis and patients with artificial heart valves are prescribed a preliminary course of antibiotic therapy for prophylactic purposes.
This drug is not able to protect against sexually transmitted infections and AIDS.
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